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Graphic Design Services


How to Start a Graphic Design Business With No Experience - Make Money As A Graphic Designer

Graphic designing is a career where you don't need a professional degree but by learning graphic designing you. You can do your own professional job. You can start freelancing service or you can start your own busines.You can make your career in and earn good money by freelancing.

Design Package Comparison



Estimated Price

Basic Logo

1-2 Logo Concepts

Starting at $150

Starter Website

1-Page Template Design

Starting at $300

Branding Kit

Logo, Business Cards, Social Post Templates

Starting at $500

Full Website

Custom Multi-Page Design

Starting at $1000+

By the end of this blog. You will completely understand how to make money as a graphic Designer.

 Now I'm more than qualified to teach you about this and why because in 2020. I've probably cleared over a hundred thousand dollars as a graphic designer. Now i'm gonna keep it real with you most of that has been because professionally i am a graphic designer. A considerable amount of that actually comes from me doing freelance graphic design on instagram. And today I'm gonna tell you exactly how to build that kind of business? Now I'm gonna give you real life examples of how I was able to build my freelance graphic design business?

 And they are universal principles that you can apply to any which way you can take this now. In most of those ways you need graphic design as a skill to have logo flier promo material you would eventually have. To either do it yourself or pay somebody to do it. But if you consider learning it yourself then you can cut down on a lot of expenses and cutting down on expenses is always a good business. Move also i'm 100% self-taught and i'm gonna tell you how to go from somebody that's just interested is why you click. 

Today to somebody who is actively making money as a graphic designer. So let's jump right into it alright so the very first thing you need to do bro is you need to learn in today's world you can learn. How to do anything and i mean anything 100 by yourself on the internet and that is very true for graphic design. It is really underrated how easy it is to learn a skill like graphic design and then take it and scale it to a hundred thousand.

 But the first part of that battle is finding, Which software you're going to use

 Now mostly the most popular graphic design software is adobe photoshop. And then shortly after that is adobe illustrator. Now both of these come in the adobe creative cloud suite.

 After that the battle is learning photoshop, right learning illustrator, learning these programs and that's all. The tools that everything people think the hard part is actually designing doing all the special effects. When that actually isn't hard at all the hard part is learning. How to navigate learning? How can I remember where all the buttons are if I want to do this?

 Where do I go to do it basically? Now you're also going to have to put that time in to learn. And when i did it i invested about two to four hours a night every day. I was getting off of work at about 11 making it at home. And this is at night of course then from about 12 to maybe three or four a.m. I'm learning Photoshop every single night. And I cannot state this enough. All the tutorials I watched to get started were only on youtube. So this is 100 free knowledge here's one thing. 

I wish! I would have done that. I'm gonna advise you to please just pick one teacher and stick with them and here's why I made the mistake of jumping around to a bunch of different people to learn a bunch of different things. 

And when you start learning design you start learning that there's literally a million different ways to do one thing and what does that do for a beginner? It completely throws you off and confuses you. So in order to do that you stick with one person. They have their own design theory, they have their own process of doing things. And then once you get a good grip on it. Then you can branch out and learn better or other methods but it's best that you just stick with one person in the beginning.

You're ready to start learning, you're ready to really dive in now it's time for you to do tutorials and get practice right now. 

I don't know if you've ever played a sport or done anything. But it basically applies the more practice you get the better. You get at it and tutorials are a great practice because they tell you step by step on, How to do things.

 Learning to operate the software like I mentioned previously is the hardest part right. However you also need to learn design theory, learn about How colors go together and learn about contrast. learn about what fonts are meant to be used for and all that type of stuff. Stuff that I did not do and honestly made my graphic design career. Once I transitioned over to being a professional and really taking getting better seriously.

I had no foundation so I really had to go all the way to the bottom and learn again.So after you get your practice you've practiced enough. You've watched enough tutorials and now you feel like you can make a good design. Now you're ready to build your business. This is how you build your design business right here. and once again i did it on instagram. However you don't have to, I think these same principles will apply. The very first thing of course is going to be getting an instagram page right now. You're probably like i already have an instagram page you need a separate one for your artwork. Here's why this page needs to have a clean aesthetic right and the word aesthetic. Basically summed up means feel good to look at it needs to all go together and look good together right. When you have your artwork and then you have memes or pictures of your food or your shoes all in between all together as a gallery that doesn't look good. So keep your art page clean no memes none of that type of stuff just make sure it's all artwork. Because see I made the mistake of not doing this once. 

I learned this principle: I took all that other stuff off and then boom. Instantly I started getting more fans, I started getting more clients on my art page and here's the logic behind. When we're looking at artists right peace pipe piece by piece yeah this stuff is cool. But when you see an artist's gallery and you see it all together. And it's like wow that's why that's important and that's why that actually helps also come up with a good catchy name. It's important that you're memorable and that when someone sees your logo sees your tag they know exactly who it is. so now you're ready to move on, you're ready to get your artwork out there. 

Because the ultimate goal is to get clients and make money right. Well you have to get your work out there to get clients and this is exactly how you do that the best way? Since we're using instagram to utilize tags this isn't an instagram crash course or nothing like that. 

however imma give you my hashtag logic

The most common mistake when using instagram tags is people use the most populated tags and they see a tag with high numbers and they think that they have the highest traffic and boom. That means that they should use those rights and number one, that's right they do have the highest traffic. however it's wrong you should not just target those this is what you should do is? use hashtags that are less populated. because what happens when you pick one that is super populated is you get lost in the shuffle. because it's so populated there's three or four people uploading that same thing every single second and so unless yours is just really really good it's gonna get lost in the shuffle. so when i pick hashtags i pick hashtags in the 100 to 500k traffic range. 

Why Do Online Design Work?

  • Work from home without a big office

  • Make your own schedule

  • Earn money by helping clients worldwide

  • Grow your name on sites like Instagram

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